////////   CZT and ICZT: Chirp Z-transform Full Source Code For Image Data    /////////
////////   Smart Fast Fourier Transform for any size image, Full Source Code  /////////
//  CZT_TwoDimensional.c (+ stb_image.h),  ONLY single file source code.             //
//                       Everything (DFT, FFT, CZT, etc.) is implemented within it,  //
//                       So NO external libraries are used except for stb_image.h    //
//                       for reading image file.                                     //
//                                                                                   //
//  Multi-threaded version of Fourier Transform source code for any size of 2D data. //
//                                                                                   //
//  gcc -fopenmp -O3 -Wall -W -o CZT_TwoDimensional CZT_TwoDimensional.c -lm         //
//                                                                                   //
//                                                                                   //
//   You have the right to: You are free to use this source code and modify it       //
//   for your own use without any restrictions. In addition, we do not provide       //
//   any warranty or support under any circumstances.                                //
//                                                                                   //
//                                                                                   //
//////// https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/stb_image.h
#include "stb_image.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <complex.h>

#undef  PI
#define PI  3.1415926535897932384626433832795L  // 円周率(π)

#define Rotor(a)      (double complex)( cos(a) + I*sin(a) )
#define COMPLEX(a,b)  (double complex)( (a) + I*(b) )

enum { DFT, IDFT };
enum { FFT=DFT, IFFT=IDFT };
enum { CZT=DFT, ICZT=IDFT };

#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct PIXEL   { unsigned char B, G, R, A; } PIXEL ;
#pragma pack(pop)

typedef struct COMPLEX { double r, i; } COMPLEX;

#pragma pack(push,2)
typedef struct HEADER {       // BMP => bfType==0x4D42 (0x42,0x4D) little endian
    unsigned short bfType;          //  identification  0x42='B', 0x4D='M'
    unsigned int   bfSize;          // ??
    unsigned short bfReserved1;     //  0
    unsigned short bfReserved2;     //  0
    unsigned int   bfOffBits;       // 54  sizeof(HEADER)
    unsigned int   biSize;          // 40  sizeof(biSize ~ biClrImportant)
    signed int     biWidth;         // lx
    signed int     biHeight;        // ly
    unsigned short biPlanes;        //  1
    unsigned short biBitCount;      // 32
    unsigned int   biCompression;   //  0
    unsigned int   biSizeImage;     // ??
    signed int     biXPelsPerMeter; //  0
    signed int     biYPelsPerMeter; //  0
    unsigned int   biClrUsed;       //  0
    unsigned int   biClrImportant;  //  0
    unsigned char  lut[];
#pragma pack(pop)

#define BMPID              0x4D42
#define BMPIFHSIZE         40

#define saveArray2bmp32(name,a,w,h)   \
#define IF                  if
#define EI                  else if
#define EE                  else

int dft=0, verbose=0;

void **alloc2D( void *data, int s, int lx, int ly ){
  long long i, w=lx, h=ly;  if( !data || s<1 || lx<1 || ly<1 ) return NULL;
  void **d, *base=data ;

    if( (d=(void **)malloc(h*sizeof(void *))) == NULL ) return NULL ;
    for( i=0; i<ly; i++ ) d[i] = (void *)((unsigned char *)base + w*s*i) ;
    return d ;

void **alloc2Darray( int s, int lx, int ly ){
  long long i, w=lx, h=ly;  if(s<1 || lx<1 || ly<1) return NULL ;
  void **d, *base ;

    if( (d=(void **)calloc(1,h*sizeof(void *)+(w*h*s))) == NULL ) return NULL ;
    base = (unsigned char *)d + h*sizeof(void *) ;
    for( i=0; i<ly; i++ ) d[i] = (void *)((unsigned char *)base + w*s*i) ;
    return d ;

int saveDataAsBMP32( char *fname, void *b, int lx, int ly ){
  HEADER h = {BMPID, lx*abs(ly)*sizeof(PIXEL)+sizeof(HEADER), 0, 0, sizeof(HEADER),
               BMPIFHSIZE, lx, ly, 1, 32, 0, lx*abs(ly)*sizeof(PIXEL), 0, 0, 0, 0};
  FILE *fp=NULL ;
  int  st=-1;

    if( (fp=fopen(fname, "wb")) == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "File '%s': cannot create.\n", fname );
    } else if ( fwrite( &h, sizeof(HEADER), 1, fp ) != 1 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "File '%s': Header write error.\n", fname );
    } else if ( fwrite( b, h.biSizeImage, 1, fp ) != 1 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "File '%s': Data write error.\n", fname );
    } else st=0;
    if(fp)fclose(fp) ;
    return st;

//// 二次元の離散フーリエ変換
//// Two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
#include <omp.h>      // gcc -fopenmp -O3  ( -O3: Strongly recommendation )

#define AppendCOMPLEX(a,b) { (a).r += (b).r, (a).i += (b).i ; }

#define ConjCOMPLEX(a)     (COMPLEX){ (a).r, -((a).i) }
#define RotorCOMPLEX(a)    (COMPLEX){ cos(a), sin(a) }
#define AddCOMPLEX(a,b)    (COMPLEX){ (a).r + (b).r, (a).i + (b).i }
#define SubCOMPLEX(a,b)    (COMPLEX){ (a).r - (b).r, (a).i - (b).i }
#define MulCOMPLEX(a,b)    (COMPLEX){ (a).r*(b).r - (a).i*(b).i, (a).r*(b).i + (a).i*(b).r }
#define ImeMulCOMPLEX(a,b) (COMPLEX){ (a).r * (b), (a).i * (b) }

extern int verbose;

void dft_TwoDimensional( COMPLEX **d, int lx, int ly, int flag ) {
    if(verbose)printf("execution: %s\t%d\n", __func__, flag );
    int     x, y, elements=lx;
    double  unit;
    COMPLEX *rotor = (COMPLEX *)calloc( (lx>ly?lx:ly), sizeof(COMPLEX) );
    if(!rotor) return;

    elements = lx;  unit = (flag==IDFT) ? 2*M_PI/elements : -2*M_PI/elements;
    for( int e=0; e<elements; rotor[e]=RotorCOMPLEX(unit*e), e++ );
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for( y=0; y<ly; y++ ) { COMPLEX tmp[elements];//You need to be aware of the thread stack overflow.
        for(int u=0; u<elements; u++ ){ int v; COMPLEX t = (COMPLEX){0,0};
            for( v=0; v<elements; v++ ) AppendCOMPLEX( t,  MulCOMPLEX(d[y][v],rotor[(u*v)%elements]) );
            tmp[u] = t;
         }  double reciprocal = 1./elements; // tmp[u]/elements ->  tmp[u]*reciprocal
         if(flag==IDFT) for(int e=0; e<elements; e++ ) d[y][e] = ImeMulCOMPLEX(tmp[e],reciprocal);
         else           for(int e=0; e<elements; e++ ) d[y][e] = tmp[e];
    } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    elements = ly;  unit = (flag==IDFT) ? 2*M_PI/elements : -2*M_PI/elements;
    if(lx!=ly){ for( int e=0; e<elements; rotor[e]=RotorCOMPLEX(unit*e), e++ ); }
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for( x=0; x<lx; x++ ) { COMPLEX tmp[elements];//You need to be aware of the thread stack overflow.
        for(int u=0; u<elements; u++ ){ int v; COMPLEX t = (COMPLEX){0,0};
            for( v=0; v<elements; v++ ) AppendCOMPLEX( t,  MulCOMPLEX(d[v][x],rotor[(u*v)%elements]) );
            tmp[u] = t;
         }  double reciprocal = 1./elements; // tmp[u]/elements ->  tmp[u]*reciprocal
         if(flag==IDFT) for(int e=0; e<elements; e++ ) d[e][x] = ImeMulCOMPLEX(tmp[e],reciprocal);
         else           for(int e=0; e<elements; e++ ) d[e][x] = tmp[e];
    } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Twiddle factor table
typedef struct TWIDDLE_FACTOR { int elements, flag; double complex *table; }

//// CZT Chirp Z-transform, Bluestein's algorithm
//// Structure to store data for CZT Chirp Z-transform
////  samples    : number of actual data
////  samples_out: Actual data count (for output, same as input one)
////  samples_fft: Number of data used in CZT conversion (power of 2)
////  flag_fft   : flag indicating if "samples" is a power of 2
////  W[2]       : For FFT/IFFT, Twiddle factor table
////  w          : The number of weight data elements is (samples)
////  v          : The number of impulse response data elements is (samples_fft)
typedef struct CZT_CONTROL {
    int  samples;      // 標本点の数
    int  samples_out;  // 出力する標本点の数
    int  samples_fft;  // 2の整数乗値:flag_fft?samples:2*get_czt_size(samples)
    int  flag_fft;     // 直接FFTを実行できるサイズかの判定
    TWIDDLE_TABLE W[2];// 回転因子用テーブル
    double complex *w; // 重みデータ            要素数は(samples)
    double complex *v; // インパルス応答データ  要素数は(samples_fft)

//// checks if the argument is a power of 2 ( Returns 1 if it is a power of 2 )
int ft_size_check( int n ){ if( n<4 ) return 0;
    for(int e=n;e>1;e>>=1 ) if( e&1 ) return 0;
    return 1;

//// A function that returns the smallest power of 2 that is greater than or 
//// equal to twice its argument
int get_czt_size( int n ){
    if( ft_size_check(n) ) return n;
    int a=1, b= n<<1;
    for( a=1; a<b; a<<=1 );
    return a;

//// FFT routine for simple one-dimensional data
////     double complex *c: Pointer to complex array for input/output
////     elements  : number of data in complex array
////     flag      : Flag indicating forward transform or inverse transform
////                 { FFT | IFFT }
void fft( double complex *c, int elements, int flag ){
    if( !ft_size_check(elements) ) return; //2の冪(べき)のみ、power of two, ONLY
    double complex *rotor = (double complex *)calloc( elements, sizeof(double complex) );
    if(!rotor) return; // Processing is aborted because the twiddle factor table
                       // used for calculation could not be secured.
    double  unit = (flag==IFFT) ? 2*M_PI/elements : -2*M_PI/elements;;
    for(int e=0; e<elements; rotor[e]=Rotor(unit*e), e++ );
    for(int i=0, j=1; j<elements-1; j++ ) {// scrambler, for initial placement
        for(int k=elements>>1; k>(i^=k); k>>=1 );
        if( j<i ){double complex temp=c[j]; c[j]=c[i], c[i]=temp; }  // exchange
    for(int m, mh=1; (m=mh<<1)<=elements; mh=m ) {// Operations
         for(int ir=0, i=0; i<elements; i+=m ) {   // ir=0:  Rotation angle is 0rad.
             register double complex temp, W=rotor[ir];   // W: Rotation  factor
            for(int k=elements>>2; k>(ir^=k); k>>=1 );
            for(int j=i; j<mh+i; j++ ) { int a = j,  b = j + mh;
                 temp = c[a] - c[b];  // For butterfly operation
                 c[a] = c[a] + c[b];  // a ->- (a + b) ->- a
                 c[b] = temp * W;     // b ->- (a-b)*W ->- b
    }   }   }   double reciprocal = 1./elements;
    if(flag==IFFT)for(int i=0; i<elements; c[i++]*=reciprocal );

static inline void fft_with( CZT_CONTROL *czt, double complex *c, int elements, int flag ){
    if( !ft_size_check(elements) ) return; //2の冪(べき)のみ、power of two, ONLY
    double complex *rotor=NULL, *table=NULL;
    if( czt && czt->W[0].elements==elements && czt->W[0].flag==flag ) table=czt->W[0].table;
    EI( czt && czt->W[1].elements==elements && czt->W[1].flag==flag ) table=czt->W[1].table;
    if( table ) rotor = table;
    EE{ double unit = (flag==IFFT) ? 2*M_PI/elements : -2*M_PI/elements;
        if( !(rotor = (double complex *)calloc(elements, sizeof(double complex))) ) return;
        for(int e=0; e<elements; rotor[e]=Rotor(unit*e), e++ );

    for(int i=0, j=1; j<elements-1; j++ ) {           //// scrambler, for initial placement
        for(int k=elements>>1; k>(i^=k); k>>=1 );
        if( j<i ){double complex temp=c[j]; c[j]=c[i], c[i]=temp; } // exchange
    for(int m, mh=1; (m=mh<<1)<=elements; mh=m ) {    //// Operations
         for(int ir=0, i=0; i<elements; i+=m ) {        // ir=0:  Rotation angle is 0 radian.
            register double complex temp, W=rotor[ir];  // W: Rotation factor
            for(int k=elements>>2; k>(ir^=k); k>>=1 );
            for(int j=i; j<mh+i; j++ ) { int a = j,  b = j + mh;
                 temp = c[a] - c[b];                    // For butterfly operation
                 c[a] = c[a] + c[b];                    // a ->- (a + b) ->- a
                 c[b] = temp * W;                       // b ->- (a-b)*W ->- b
    }   }   }   double reciprocal = 1./elements;
    if(flag==IFFT)for(int i=0; i<elements; c[i++]*=reciprocal );


//// A function that generates a structure for Chirp Z-transform for a given 
//// integer value and returns its pointer.
//// You MUST call "free()" with this pointer when it is no longer needed.
CZT_CONTROL *GenerateCZT_CONTROL( int n ){
    int samples     = n;
    int samples_out = n;
    int samples_fft = ft_size_check(n) ? n : get_czt_size(n);
    int flag_fft    = ft_size_check(n);
    CZT_CONTROL  *a = (CZT_CONTROL*)malloc( sizeof(CZT_CONTROL)
                                          + sizeof(COMPLEX)*( 2*samples_fft )
                                          + sizeof(COMPLEX)*( samples + (samples_fft +1)) );
                                          // +1 for dummy
    if( !a ) return NULL;
    int nx = samples_fft;
    *a = (CZT_CONTROL){
            .samples     = samples,         // 標本点の数
            .samples_out = samples_out,     // 出力する標本点の数
            .samples_fft = samples_fft,     // 2の冪:2の整数乗値
            .flag_fft    = flag_fft,        // samples が直接FFTを実行できるサイズかの判定
            .W           = { { nx,  FFT,   (double complex *)&a[1]      }, // 順変換FFT用回転因子値テーブル
                             { nx, IFFT, &((double complex *)&a[1])[nx] }, // 逆変換FFT用回転因子値テーブル
            .w           = &((double complex *)&a[1])[2*nx],   // 重みデータ           要素数は(samples)
            .v           = &((double complex *)&a[1])[n+2*nx], // インパルス応答データ 要素数は(samples_fft)
    double complex *fft_f = a->W[0].table, *fft_r = a->W[1].table;
    double unit = -2*PI/nx; // for FFT
    for(int e=0;e<nx;e++) fft_r[e]=conj( fft_f[e]=Rotor(unit*e) );

    double complex *w=a->w, *v=a->v;
    double theta = PI/n;
    for(int i=n;i<samples_fft;i++) v[i]=COMPLEX(0,0);
    for(int tail=samples_fft, n2=n<<1, here=0, i=0;i<n;i++ ){
        double c = cos( theta*here ), s = sin( theta*here ); // 1.0*cos(), 1.0*sin() amplitude and phase
             here = ( here +1 + (i<<1) ) % n2 ;             // 角度情報 データー数依存なので 1例 factor.mp4
        w[i]      = COMPLEX( c, -s ); // complex conjugate:  0<= { w[i] <-> v[i] } < n
        v[i]      = COMPLEX( c,  s );
        v[tail-i] = COMPLEX( c,  s ); // stretching ; v[tail] was keeded as dummy area
    }   fft_with( a, v, samples_fft, FFT );  //fft( v, samples_fft, FFT );
    return a;

//// Chirp Z-transform routine for fast Fourier transform of arbitrary size data
//// Argument structure is the same as the FFT routine
void czt( double complex *c, int n, int flag ){//For One Dimension data processing
    if( ft_size_check(n) ) return fft( c, n, flag );
    CZT_CONTROL    *czt = NULL;
    double complex *tmp = NULL;   // Temporary work area used by CZT

    if( !(czt = GenerateCZT_CONTROL( n ) )  )                        goto GOOD_BY;
    int    nx = czt->samples_fft, dc_size = sizeof(double complex);
    double complex *w = czt->w;
    double complex *v = czt->v;
    if( !(tmp = (double complex*)calloc( nx, dc_size ))  )          goto GOOD_BY;
    // Division is slow, so we replace it with multiplication using the reciprocal.
    double   m = 1.0/n;  // a*m, same as a/n. if m is m = 1.0/n;

    //for(int i=n;i<nx;tmp[i++]=0+I*0);    // from n to nx are already zero.
    if( flag == ICZT ) { // 逆変換
      // ICZT part: Inverse transform processing part, inverse transform can be 
      // easily realized by using complex conjugate numbers.
      for(int i=0;i< n;i++) tmp[i] =   c[i] * conj(w[i]);
      fft_with( czt, tmp, nx,  FFT );                     //fft( tmp, nx,  FFT );
      for(int i=0;i<nx;i++) tmp[i] = tmp[i] * conj(v[i]);
      fft_with( czt, tmp, nx, IFFT );                     //fft( tmp, nx, IFFT );
      for(int i=0;i< n;i++)   c[i] = tmp[i] * conj(w[i]) * m;
      // Note: For the inverse transform, divide the result after the transform 
      // process by the number of elements.
    } else {// flag==CZT  順変換
      // CZT part: Forward transform processing unit
      for(int i=0;i< n;i++) tmp[i] =   c[i] * w[i]; // weight data multiplication
      fft_with( czt, tmp, nx,  FFT );                    //fft( tmp, nx,  FFT );
      for(int i=0;i<nx;i++) tmp[i] = tmp[i] * v[i]; // convolution
      fft_with( czt, tmp, nx, IFFT );                    //fft( tmp, nx, IFFT );
      for(int i=0;i< n;i++)   c[i] = tmp[i] * w[i]; // weight data multiplication

    free( tmp );
    free( czt );

/* generalization, Ignore this comment (このコメントは無視してください)
    double  m = 1.0/n;
    for(int i=n;i<nx;tmp[i++]=0+I*0);  // 0+I*0 is same as COMPLEX(0,0);
    if( flag == ICZT ) { // 逆変換
      for(int i=0;i< n;i++) tmp[i] =   c[i] * conj(w[i]) * chirp[i];
      fft_with( czt, tmp, nx,  FFT );
      for(int i=0;i<nx;i++) tmp[i] = tmp[i] * conj(v[i]) * chirp[i];
      fft_with( czt, tmp, nx, IFFT );
      for(int i=0;i< n;i++)   c[i] = tmp[i] * conj(w[i]) * chirp[i] * m;
    } else {// flag==CZT  順変換
      // CZT part: Forward transform processing unit
      for(int i=0;i< n;i++) tmp[i] =   c[i] * w[i] * chirp[i];
      fft_with( czt, tmp, nx,  FFT );
      for(int i=0;i<nx;i++) tmp[i] = tmp[i] * v[i] * chirp[i];
      fft_with( czt, tmp, nx, IFFT );
      for(int i=0;i< n;i++)   c[i] = tmp[i] * w[i] * chirp[i];
//// Simple Chirp Z-transform routine
static inline void czt_with( CZT_CONTROL *czt, double complex *c, int n, int nx, int flag ){
    if( n == nx ) return fft_with( czt, c, nx, flag );
    double complex *w = czt->w, *v = czt->v, m = 1.0/n;

    for(int i=n;i<nx;c[i++]=0+I*0);           // 0+I*0 is same as COMPLEX(0,0);

    if( flag == ICZT ) {
        for(int i=0;i<  n;i++) c[i] *= conj(w[i]);
        fft_with( czt, c, nx, FFT );                   //fft( c, nx, FFT );
        for(int i=0;i< nx;i++) c[i] *= conj(v[i]);
        fft_with( czt, c, nx, IFFT );                  //fft( c, nx, IFFT );
        for(int i=0;i<  n;i++) c[i] *= conj(w[i]) * m;
    } else {// CZT //////////////////////////
        for(int i=0;i<  n;i++) c[i] *= w[i];
        fft_with( czt, c, nx, FFT );                   //fft( c, nx, FFT );
        for(int i=0;i< nx;i++) c[i] *= v[i];
        fft_with( czt, c, nx, IFFT );                  //fft( c, nx, IFFT );
        for(int i=0;i<  n;i++) c[i] *= w[i];

//// czt_TwoDimensional
void czt_TwoDimensional( double complex **c, int lx, int ly, int flag ){
    if(verbose)printf("execution: %s\t%d\n", __func__, flag );
    CZT_CONTROL    *czt_lx = NULL, *czt_ly = NULL;
    double complex **tx = NULL,    **ty = NULL;
    if( !(czt_lx = GenerateCZT_CONTROL( lx ))  )                   goto GOOD_BY;
    if( !(czt_ly = GenerateCZT_CONTROL( ly ))  )                   goto GOOD_BY;
    int fft_lx=czt_lx->samples_fft,   fft_ly=czt_ly->samples_fft;
    #define  DCPX  double complex
    if( !(tx=(DCPX**)alloc2Darray( sizeof(DCPX), fft_lx, ly )) )   goto GOOD_BY;
    if( !(ty=(DCPX**)alloc2Darray( sizeof(DCPX), fft_ly, lx )) )   goto GOOD_BY;
    for(int y=0;y<ly;y++)for(int x=0;x<lx;x++)tx[y][x]=c[y][x];
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y=0;y<ly;y++)
        czt_with( czt_lx, tx[y], czt_lx->samples, czt_lx->samples_fft, flag );
    for(int y=0;y<ly;y++)for(int x=0;x<lx;x++)ty[x][y]=tx[y][x];
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int x=0;x<lx;x++)
        czt_with( czt_ly, ty[x], czt_ly->samples, czt_ly->samples_fft, flag );

    for(int y=0;y<ly;y++)for(int x=0;x<lx;x++)c[y][x]=ty[x][y];

int TwoDimensionalFourierTransform( PIXEL **s ,PIXEL **d, int lx, int ly ){
    double complex **c1=NULL, **c2=NULL, **c3=NULL;
    if( !(c1 = (double complex **)alloc2Darray( sizeof(double complex), lx, ly )) ) goto GOOD_BY;
    if( !(c2 = (double complex **)alloc2Darray( sizeof(double complex), lx, ly )) ) goto GOOD_BY;
    if( !(c3 = (double complex **)alloc2Darray( sizeof(double complex), lx, ly )) ) goto GOOD_BY;
    // 画像データを濃淡画像に変換して、複素数データを作成
    for(int y=0; y<ly; y++ )for(int x=0; x<lx; x++ ){
        int gray = (306*s[y][x].R + 601*s[y][x].G + 117*s[y][x].B)>>10;
        c1[y][x] = c2[y][x] = COMPLEX(gray,0);

    czt_TwoDimensional( c2, lx, ly,  CZT);                       // 順変換:  CZT
    for(int y=0;y<ly;y++)for(int x=0;x<lx;x++) c3[y][x]=c2[y][x];
    // 変換後、確認用にパワースぺトル画像を保存しておくと良いかもしれません。
    extern void interchange2D( double complex **, int, int );
    extern void PowerSpectrum( char *, double complex **, PIXEL **, int, int );    
    interchange2D( c3, lx, ly );  // 低周波と高周波成分の場所の入れ替え
    PowerSpectrum( "PowerSpectrum.bmp", c3, d, lx, ly );
    interchange2D( c3, lx, ly );  // 低周波と高周波成分の場所の入れ替え(戻す)
    if( dft ) dft_TwoDimensional( (COMPLEX**)c3, lx, ly, IDFT ); // 逆変換: IDFT
    else      czt_TwoDimensional( c3, lx, ly, ICZT  );           // 逆変換: ICZT
    // 複素数データのリアルパートを 画像データ(濃淡画像)として抽出
    for(int y=0; y<ly; y++ )for(int x=0; x<lx; x++ ){
        int real = creal(c3[y][x])+0.0001, gray = real<0 ? 0 : ( 255<real  ? 255 : real );
        d[y][x]  = (PIXEL){ gray, gray, gray, 0 };
    }   // +0.0001 誤差補正用    生成ファイルの比較は cmp,md5sum 等を利用してください

    return 0;
/* 誤差補正の必要性 例
   int   int     %12.6f         %12.6f          IDFT: double  %20.16f    ICZT: double  %20.16f
    65,   66      66.000000,     66.000000        65.9999999999994174,     66.0000000000001279
    70,   71      71.000000,     71.000000        70.9999999999996589,     71.0000000000000284
   169,  168     169.000000,    169.000000       169.0000000000001705,    168.9999999999998579
   196,  197     197.000000,    197.000000       196.9999999999990905,    197.0000000000000000
   204,  203     204.000000,    204.000000       204.0000000000003979,    203.9999999999999716
   128,  127     128.000000,    128.000000       128.0000000000003979,    127.9999999999999574
   114,  115     115.000000,    115.000000       114.9999999999998153,    115.0000000000000142
   180,  179     180.000000,    180.000000       180.0000000000002274,    179.9999999999999147
   206,  207     207.000000,    207.000000       206.9999999999999716,    207.0000000000000284
   222,  223     223.000000,    223.000000       222.9999999999991758,    223.0000000000001137
   219,  218     219.000000,    219.000000       219.0000000000001705,    218.9999999999999716
   155,  156     156.000000,    156.000000       155.9999999999994316,    156.0000000000000568

void interchange2D( double complex **d, int lx, int ly ) {
  int  x, y, hlx=lx/2, hly=ly/2;

    for( y=0; y<hly; y++ ) for( x=0; x<hlx; x++ ){ double complex t;
        t = d[y][x]; d[y][x] = d[hly +y][hlx +x]; d[hly +y][hlx +x] = t;
        t = d[y][hlx +x]; d[y][hlx +x] = d[hly +y][x]; d[hly +y][x] = t;

void PowerSpectrum( char *fname, double complex **u, PIXEL **a, int lx, int ly ) {
  int    x, y, gray;
  double temp, min, max;

    min=max=creal(u[0][0])*creal(u[0][0]) + cimag(u[0][0])*cimag(u[0][0]);
    for( y=0; y<ly; y++ ) for( x=0; x<lx; x++ ) {
        if( max<(temp=creal(creal(u[y][x])*creal(u[y][x]) + cimag(u[y][x])*cimag(u[y][x]))) ) max = temp;
        else if( min>temp ) min = temp;
    }   min = sqrt(min);  max = sqrt(max);
    double mag = 255.0 / (double)( max>min ? log10(max-min) : 1.0 );
    for( y=0; y<ly; y++ ) for( x=0; x<lx; x++ ) {
        gray = mag*log10(sqrt(creal(u[y][x])*creal(u[y][x]) + cimag(u[y][x])*cimag(u[y][x])) -min);
        if(255<gray) gray=255; else if( gray<0 ) gray=0;
        a[y][x] = (PIXEL){gray,gray,gray,0};
    }   if(fname)saveArray2bmp32( fname, a, lx, ly );


#include <string.h>
void argumentAnalysis(int argc, char *argv[], char **iname, char **oname){
  int  i, st=1;
    for( i=1; i<argc; i++ ) {
        if( argv[i][0]=='-' ) {
            switch(argv[i][1]) {
                case 'v': verbose=1;    break;
                case 'd': dft=1;        break;
                case 'h': st=0;
                default : goto GOOD_BY;
        else if( *iname==NULL ) *iname = argv[i];
        else if( *oname==NULL ) *oname = argv[i];
        else goto GOOD_BY;
    char *p=argv[0], *op="[-d] [-h] ";
    for( i=strlen(p); i>0 && p[i]!='\\' && p[i]!='/'; i-- );; if(i) i++;
    fprintf( stderr, "\nusage: %s %s[input_image [output.bmp]]\n\n", &p[i], op );
    fprintf( stderr, "\t-v: verbose mode\n" );
    fprintf( stderr, "\t-d: Inverse transform with standard DFT.\n" );
    fprintf( stderr, "\t-h: This option shows only this message.\n" );

void imageFittingOperation( PIXEL **s, int lx, int ly ) {
  int   x, y, w, ey=(ly +1)/2, ty=ly-1;
    for( y=0; y<ey; y++ ) for( w=ty-y, x=0; x<lx; x++ ) {
        PIXEL p = (PIXEL){ s[y][x].R, s[y][x].G, s[y][x].B, 0 };
        s[y][x] = (PIXEL){ s[w][x].R, s[w][x].G, s[w][x].B, 0 };
        s[w][x] = p;
    }// 色要素順の変更( B ⇔ R )及び 左上原点系 から 左下原点系への変換

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
  int     lx, ly, bpp, st=1;
  char    *raw=NULL, *ifname=NULL, *ofname=NULL;
  PIXEL   **s=NULL, **d=NULL ;
    argumentAnalysis( argc, argv, &ifname, &ofname );
    if( ifname==NULL ) ifname = "sample.bmp";
    if( ofname==NULL ) ofname = "result.bmp";
    if( (raw=(char*)stbi_load( ifname, &lx, &ly, &bpp, 4 ))==NULL ) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't load the image '%s'.\n",ifname);     goto GOOD_BY;
    } else if( (s=(PIXEL**)alloc2D( raw, sizeof(PIXEL), lx, ly ))==NULL ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate  memory.\n");             goto GOOD_BY;
    } else imageFittingOperation( s, lx, ly );
    if( (d=(PIXEL**)alloc2Darray( sizeof(PIXEL), lx, ly ))==NULL ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate  memory.\n");             goto GOOD_BY;
    } else if( (st=TwoDimensionalFourierTransform( s ,d, lx, ly ))==0 ) {
        saveArray2bmp32( ofname, d, lx, ly );
    return st;